This project has come about only recently, and this is how. As many of my fellow bloggers know, my grandmother passed away recently. She had set aside some money for me when she died that I didn't know about. It's not an extravagant amount, but I decided that I would like to splurge a little on me as well as pay bills and maybe replace my sweethearts laptop, though she'll insist that I don't have to (it really is quite crappy).
This will be my largest project to date. But I'm not planning to do it alone. I'd like to invite all my friends here on the blogosphere to come with me on this adventure. There will be updates here at every step. There may be polls to help me decide on a name or other details... I can be very indecisive left to my own devices! I'll be looking for input, both ideas and maybe even more tangible contributions as we go... for instance, I might commission banners from Ron over at From The Warp.
Unfortunately, I'm moving this weekend. There will be no immediate update. But, it won't take long to get unpacked and set up a workspace. One advantage of the new abode is the extra room. I'd look for an update by the middle of next week. The Simple Green, Dremel, hobby knives, and Epoxy are ready!
Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to sharing this project with you.
You git! I seriously am hugely jealous!
What scheme are you going for?
The warp runners scheme FW did on the display one is rather nice...
One thing I will say is that FW are apparently working on a book explaining how they paint titans and so on, may be worth waiting for that to get the insiders word. But then again, maybe not.
My God. I hope you don't mind if I enjoy that Reaver vicariously through your posts. ...getting one myself would be stepping through a door that I would never be able to return from.
I loathe you...
Can't wait to see the progress.
OMG - wow... simply awesome...can't wait to see the progress.
After my revenant - I have always thought about saving the cash for something big... but never dreamed of that big lol
very cool.
This will be eeeenteresting!
We've alerady talked about this... let's see how it turns out then shall we.
This will be fun.
What... not emptied that box yet? come on ya slacker :) .. we are waiting to see the bits eheheh
You know I got stuff from Forgeworld very quickly as well. Of course, two Space Marine Dreadnought arms don't really compare to a Titan...
Is this whole project going to fall under a specific label for just it?
I would like to link to that label so I can keep track of the latest updates on your project here.
Thanks for all the comments guys! I can't wait to get this started. I'm still hoping for an unpack blog around Wednesday, but my new place has a bum A/C unit. So... all my stuff is there, but until the air conditioner is working, I'm sleeping on the floor at the old place where it isn't 97 degrees.
@ Ron
All posts in this project will fall under the "Reaver Titan" label.
YOU MUST BE JOKING Ive always wanted a reaver but I've never had the money
Try to pull some minor conversions like maybe a massive version of the banners that you get with captains they go on
top of the missile launcher.............
Very cool man, looking forward to following this one.
Oh. I'm so jealous.
And I haven't even done any painting on the FW baneblade I bought six years ago since undercoating. Six. Blimey.
Very excited. Hope the A/C sorts itself out soon - I suppose that's one good thing about this country: the 'summer' weather's been wretched so far!
Happy hunting...
- Drax
Good good so many parts..
good job man, money well spent. Sometimes you have to buy a FW model, they are wonderful to paint with all the detail. I bought the plan for 150.00 dollars, it had like 8 pieces. It was still worth it
Mike at Santa Cruz Warhammer
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