Despite the lack of updates this week I have in fact been working. I even have a tiny bit to share this evening...
First off is the Wraith Lord I've been working on. He's converted a bit and now in the midst of being painted. Here are a couple pics of the work in progress.
And a close up of the head showing what passes for translucent flames in my world...
This next pic is a prototype for the Dire Avengers I'm working on. The blue is quite dark, but I want this army to have a dark feel, so this is actually pretty close to a success on the blue armor as far as I'm concerned.
As you can see, my digital camera is still on the outs with me. I think it wants a tripod or a better photographer or some such garbage. Who cares what a camera wants though!
Thanks for stopping by and as usual, feel free to drop a comment with complaints, critiques, or whatever you like!
1 week ago