Reinforcements have arrived! 40 Storm Guardians have arrived! I'm not just tickled pink that the way they are packaged you HAVE to give two out of every 8 a special weapon, but I'll see what I can't come up with to get something assaulty into the hands of those who need it.
The side affect of this is that the order size qualified me for a free Space Marine Sergeant mini from direct order. He looks really kewl. In fact, there maybe a timeout called from Eldar long enough to paint him... no.. no... MUST stay on track...
The Wraithlord is coming along pretty good. The heavy weapons platforms and crew are almost done too. I have the prototype Dire Avenger almost ready to snap a pic and put up. Work has been slow this week for reasons in the off topic section...
Off Topic:
My progress has been impeded quite a bit this week (and will continue to be) because of family needs. My grandmother, who is 93 this year, recently had a double stroke. She was in the hospital for several days and has now been shipped to a "nursing and rehabilitation" facility. I have been taking turns with my father going to visit her. It's really awful to see her in the condition she is in, but I know it lifts her spirits when we visit. She had lost her vision and her speech after the strokes. She has regained her sight and, thankfully, still mentally very sharp. But, she still can't speak and writing is difficult for her so she gets frustrated trying to communicate. I'm sorry to be such a downer on my 40k blog, but I needed to get it out there I guess. If you have older relatives, enjoy them. You never know how long you'll have them for.
Now go paint something! That's what I'm gonna do!
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
4 days ago
Sorry to hear about your Grandmother, Brian - she's very lucky to have so devoted a family. I wish her well - keep strong.
The best to your grandmother from me as well.
About the Guardians, if you have some left over Dire Avenger Arms, you could use those for the Shuriken Catapults maybe...
PS I started painting my Autarch last night!
A very similar thing happened to my grandfather -- I know how you must feel. I hope that she gets better.
Spend the time with your Grandmother, the painting can wait.
All the best.
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