Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Old Stuff Day at The Inner Geek Blog

Rob over at Warhammer39,999 had a great idea that you can read all about by clicking the banner above. The gist of it is that we should pick a post or two from our past blogging and dust them off. While I'd like to just repost a couple blogs I'm particularly proud of, I'm going to link to them instead. Otherwise this would be one long winded post indeed! The first two posts are about working with resin and I'm quite proud of the way I documented my processes. It's something I've gotten out of the habit of and need to get back into. They are also good reference material moving forward into my Warhound Twins series that is just beginning...

Reaver Titan Pt 3 WIP Resin Tips

Reaver Titan Pt 5 (Legs Major Parts Assembly)

The third blog I'm proud of is a book review. I think I'm proud of it because I feel like I manage the review without rambling too much. I can be a bit of a rambler... but now I'm rambling.

Titanicus Book Review

There are a lot of great blogs of the past that will, no doubt, be on display again today. I'll be out enjoying them on the interwebz today and I hope you enjoy them too.

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