One thing I found, it is hard to compare a metal and Finecast mini. The two materials mean that they don't show up the same under a camera (or a light bulb for that matter). But I've done my best to compare the two and will give you my thoughts.
The pictures below are the Empire Captain with Hammer and Pistol. I dig the epic beards on the Empire guys.
The front side of both...
And a shot of the backs of both...
I'm also going to subject you to another video so you can enjoy me rambling in full audio as well in the written word...
Over all the quality of both is great. I have no complaints on the cast quality of the new Finecast. However, I'm just not seeing the superiority of detail that others have mentioned. Could be just this sculpt though? I will say there was a guy in my GW store this morning droning on about the Finecast and how you can now see so much more detail. He pointed out that you can now see the rivets on the armor of the Emperors Champion... I've always seen the rivits on the Emperors Champion mini though, so I'm not impressed. My biggest complaint is the price increase on these. In my opinion we are getting a lighter mini and paying more. I'd like a heavier mini and my other six bucks back. Thanks.
Till next time folks, enjoy the Finecast and keep out of trouble!