Ok, I have a new best friend. No, it's not RonSaikowski over at
From The Warp or Sean at
Running From The Law. It's not even Admiral Drax over at
Admiral Drax, thought I do enjoy ALL of their blogs and recommend them highly.
No, this is my new friend...

Following the instructions in
this article over at the Bolter and Chainsword I have made my first wet pallet. I don't do any fancy blending, or anything on my minis so I wasn't sure if this would be worth the trouble. Let me tell you, it IS! It's freaking magic. I can put a bit of paint on the paper, and it doesn't dry out. This, in one evening, has changed the way I put paint on minis. In fact, the wet pallet is sitting on my desk waiting for me right now, with the same paint on it I was using sixteen hours ago. Freaking magic. I used to keep a pot of paint open and dip, place on a pallet, add water as necessary, then paint on mini... repeat repeat repeat. Now I put paint on parchment paper, dip and paint. It adds it's own water... freaking magic. I would recommend trying this to anyone who hasn't yet. I'm off to enjoy less effort and wasted paint!
Thanks for this! Sadly, I'm not really in the habit of doing anything tricksy with paint, as I seem to have neither time nor talent enough. Still, the next time I feel like branching out a little I might just give it a go.
Although of course, we don't call it parchment paper over here...
- Drax
PS: Cheers for flagging-up my blog! Et Tu, Brian...
- Drax
Hooray, I like having new friends.
What the hell is parchment paper? I'm assuming its not wax paper. Can it be found at most grocery stores? I'm very intrigued by this, since about once a week I have to pull a thick layer of dried paint off of my painting palette.
Looks interesting, I work in small batches and don't know when I'll get to paint next (as I don't get to do it regularly).
Seems like everyone is on board with it and don't seem to be having any problems at all. For the painter who mixes a lot of colors and blends, this seems like one of the best ways out there to keep your paint from drying out and having to remix it.
Thanks for highlighting this... it's something I'll put away in my little painting box in case I need it.
Hey Sean... Parchment paper is found in most grocery stores on the aluminum foil, plastic wrap, ect aisle... Good luck...
Wow! I have a link to my wife's photo blog, sure; but she hasn't yet volunteered to reply to my comments!
Ho-hum...she does at least paint nice scenery for me (I might do a feature on that soon).
In fact, that's made me think: I'm going to put a new post up today of an intergral part of my force which she so carefully sculpted for me...
Thanks, Angela/Brian!
And for our listeners in the UK, try baking paper - apparently greaseproof paper doesn't work.
- Drax
Hey, this is a really good idea. Generally I feel like I waste a lot of paint by leaving it on regular paper. Thanks!
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