The head of the BlockHead titan, which is the one I'm working from, is a nice conglomeration of fiddly bits. Once built, the fiddly bits go together to make bigger fiddly bits before finally being assembled into a head of sorts. But on to some pictures, I'll add more wordy bits at the end.
Here is a shot of the sub-assemblies...

Since some areas will be particularly hard to access once assembled, I went ahead and sprayed some black primer on them. I made sure to mask areas that I wasn't ready to have paint on yet...

A little glue and patience and we have a completed head (minus detailing)!

Some items of note...
1) I've decided that the pieces will never be perfect. While the plans are awesome, they do not take into account the thickness of the material so you will never have perfect pieces.
2) Number one above doesn't really matter. In the big picture with detailing and paint, the imperfections will be less noticeable. I've looked online at a lot of scratch built items and I've noticed that if you look long enough you start to see the little imperfections in them all.
3) Klaus over at DEI GRECI is the exception to rule number two.
4) While not completely necessary, a coat of slightly watered down pva glue (white glue) brushed on seals the surface nicely, hides some surface flaws after priming, and is too easy a step not to do.
5) If you get Gorilla Glue on your skin after it becomes tacky, you must submerge the affected area in warm soapy water or acetone for about five full minutes. No amount of scrubbing will substitute.
Now, for all you folks who actually made it this far, I have one more head conversion to share with you. I present a peek into the Inner Geek's real world. Think of it as a reward... or possibly a punishment. I give you... The Hair Cut...
Here we have a common variety Hairy Geek...

Next we come to the awkward "Mohawk" phase...

And finally we come to the full on summer do!

A big thank you to my awesome wife for the haircut!
Why? I guess curiosity overcame vanity?
Comments and pointing and laughing are welcome... as always.